Friday, October 19, 2007

Painting the 34th Street Wall?

Someone suggested that SPA collaborate in a timeless UF tradition and paint the 34th Street Wall in honor of Planners. Any ideas? Is there an interest in engaging in this UF Tradition? It's something on your checklist of things to do before you graduate. Anywho, leave some notes on that.

1 comment:

J&R said...

I have three suggestions:

1. the obvious: "Planners Do It..." which is all in good fun although no one will really get it.

2. the less obvious: do it for Bartley. Something with the years he taught in our long it was clear that it wasn't a RIP kind of memorial

3. the self serving: end of the year congrats to graduates

...maybe someone else who is up on current events can give SPA a topic on which to focus our planning propaganda...