Sunday, December 2, 2007
APA Scholarships
Just to remind you that APA offers a number of scholarships for planning students. Maybe over the break is a good time to think about applying for them if you are eligible. I don't think all of the listings are quite up to date, but I see that links are provided so you may follow those if you are interested.
Also the Orlando Section offers a scholarship here are the link:
I'm pretty sure the Tampa area chapter does too, but I can't find a link for it.
Good luck and get some $$$!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Rescheduled SPA Meeting...Nov 14th 3 PM ARCH 439
T-shirts (Update)
Budget (For 2008-2009)
Winter Social (Dec. 1)
National Conference
Howell Baum Lecture (Nov 15th)
Curriculum (Critical issues on requirements)
Alumni relations
Dept. Marketing
SPA week (as suggested at faculty meeting this week)
Mentoring program
Spring pre-plan
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Final Call for Tshirts...
SPA has extended its deadline for SPA T-Shirt orders to thisTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st. Please follow the instructions providedon the sheet that was left in your mailbox regarding how to orderyour T-Shirt.If you have have any questions regarding T-Shirt orders contactMarcus Oberlander at't miss your opportunity to sport a SPA T-shirt!
Next SPA Meeting November 7th...
Friday, October 19, 2007
Painting the 34th Street Wall?
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Transportation Field Trip...October 19
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
URP Website review
As mentioned at the last SPA meeting, UF URP is looking to revamp their website. What is asked of everyone is to provide comments as to:
What is missing?
From other school websites you looked at during your grad school decision making process, what struck you from their website? Was there some information or organization that was impressive?
What is too much on our website?
What kind of information do you feel is important to be on the UF URP website? (For current students, prospective students, alumni, faculty/staff)?
Please leave me comments regarding this. Thanks.
APA Young Planners
Young Planners Group
Action Plan
Charge: To identify what Young Planners want from APA, what APA can do for them and to recommend messages, programs and services of interest to young planners.
Work Tasks:
This may involve but is not limited to, the following tasks.
1. To evaluate the issue of young planners and their engagement in the organization by studying the following:
What are the professional needs of young planners?
How is APA currently meeting those needs?
Identify possible gaps between the needs of young planners and the services and products available at APA.
Identify programs or services that may be of interest to young planners.
Identify how young planners are getting active in the organization, nationally and through the various components.
Identify if any barriers exist for young planners in getting involved in the organization.
Identify potential areas of contribution of young planners to the organization.
2. Prepare a report on findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors at their meeting in Las Vegas.
3. Conduct a session on the topic at the national conference.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Update on Anastasia State Park
There is residual red tide bloom being reported this week, but minor.
Just an FYI
For those going to Anastasia State Park for the Beach Cleanup
If you need a ride, please leave a comment here on this post with name and contact info, and get in touch with those who can give rides.
If you can give rides, please leave a comment here, with your name and contact info, and get in touch with those who need a ride.
If you can give rides or need a ride after trying the blog: meet up at the Reitz at 7:45 AM. We'll figure it out there.
This is open for all SPA members, Faculty, Staff, and your families.
Events include a beach cleanup service project, a short talk on the environmental sensitivities of the park, a small bbq.
For directions...
View Larger Map
Friday, October 5, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Steve changing his thesis--any input..
Anything blogged is swell..but
(Interested in Transportation?) Transportation Research Center Picnic
Please do RSVP ( so that we can plan appropriately.
Siva Srinivasan.

Interested in Water Resources?
The UF chapter of the American Water Resources Association is sponsoring a trip to New Mexico this
November 12th – 15th.
There are many topics with experts sharing information from each field.
Join us! - If you want to learn more and get to know who’s doing cool stuff in your field.
Pay a fraction of the normal cost.
There is a session on Climate Change, its impacts on groundwater recharge, economic opportunities, civil infrastructure, etc
A session on developing countries and drinking water, water quality, and sustainable treatment is on Monday and Tuesday.
There is a session on watershed planning and management, with topics such as integrating hydrology, wildlife biology, and forestry
There are multiple sessions on wetlands from all over the United States and even Africa.
There are also sessions on ecosystem restoration, GIS, and urban ecosystems, too many to name.
If you are interested in attending, please contact
Have a look at for more information on the sessions themselves.
For more information about our chapter, please visit
Thank you,
Ruben Kertesz
FAPA Update
This is the link for the mentoring program that I mentioned during class, this is a great opportunity to get to know a professional in the field and network for that post-graduate job. It's never too early to start networking!
Also something else I found on the site was the APA National conference student poster submittal contest at this link:
This is perfect for any student doing a thesis or research project. All you have to submit by OCTOBER 16, 2007 is a proposal, so you don't even have to have it done (i.e. your thesis). One thing to think about here is that if you are presenting something the graduate school offers travel you could help fund your trip to nationals!
Finally, I keep forgetting to mention this website, but its a great resource for planners and has an extensive message board.
Don't forget to send me your research projects....
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Course Blog Up for Grabs
Final Reminder for SPA Meeting
Issues to discuss include T-shirts (see post before this), Community Service, Visiting Speakers, SPA and URP Website, Upcoming Social events, and Open SPA positions. Please come out. Snack foods to be provided.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
From Dr. Bartley...
Monday, September 24, 2007
Next SPA Meeting October 3
Next SPA Meeting will be in ARCH 439 at 3:00 PM (Following Growth Management). New time and location by popular demand. See you there.
Come to Anastasia State Park
This event will be our first service project for the year. We reach out to our environment in this project, noting the fragile nature of our state. We will meet at the Reitz Union Car Circle at 7:45 AM to ride together to St. Augustine for this. I know it's early, but its well worth your time to give a little service to the community, and enjoy the beautiful beach, and a SPA beach BBQ. If you want to meet SPA there, you can follow the attached directions below. We will be starting at 10 AM. Hope to see you there.
View Larger Map
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
T-Shirt Design Competition
A T-Shirt Design Competition has been opened for the 2007-2008 year. Last year, our department developed our Student Planning Association T-shirt. This year, we would like to develop a tradition of developing a new T-shirt for the new year. Please submit designs to myself, in my mailbox, or Submissions are accepted through September 14th, and the winning design is TBD at the SPA General Body meeting on September 18th. More details, send inquires again to my email. Winning Designer will receive a free T-shirt and lots of PRAISE and FAME.
Mellow Mushroom Mondays
As a opportunity to have fun all semester long, we are having Mellow Mushroom Mondays. This is Trivia Night at Mellow Mushrooms at 1209 W University Ave with telephone of (352) 367-0012.
Come on out for some drinks, kick back, and enjoy some awesome trivia. Put your thinking caps on, for SPA is going to turn tables when it comes to Trivia Madness.
This will be weekly on Mondays, starting September 17th, at 7:30 PM. Come out for some food, drink, or just for Trivia, which kicks off at 9 PM.

Beginning of the Year Social
SPA Meeting Notes from 4 September
NEXT SPA Meeting on September 18th at 12:30 PM in ARC 339
(Dean's Conf. Room)
SPA Meeting Minutes
September 4, 2007
I. Benito Call’s Meeting to Order:
Meeting was called to order at 12:35pm by the President Benito. Other Officers present were: Lauren, Alexandra, Allison, and Steve. After Benito introduced himself, SPA members and officers introduced themselves.
II. Message from the Treasurer:
Benito read a message from Marcus, the Treasurer stating that SPA funds totaled 611.00 and that he was pursuing SGA reimbursement for SPA members attending the FAPA Conference in
III. Update from the FAPA Representative—Lauren:
Lauren presented her update focusing on the upcoming FAPA conference which will begin on Wednesday Sept. 5th. She organized the Student Reception on Thursday night which would be held in Town Tavern in Celebration. She encouraged SPA members attending the conference to drive to the reception, utilize the resume building workshop, and attend the Career Fair on Saturday Sept. 8th. Other conference announcements included the UF Alumni Reception to be held at the
IV. Update on the ACC:
As the ACC representatives were absent from the meeting, Benito announced the ACC Organization Fair was to be held in the Architecture Building atrium on Thursday, September 6th from 5-7pm. SPA’s goal regarding involvement with the ACC is to reconnect with the organization and foster interdisciplinary involvement within the college.
V. Update from the GSC Representative—Alexandra:
Alexandra announced that SPA needed a first year student to serve as Alternate GSC Representative in the case that she cannot attend the monthly GSC meetings that are tentatively scheduled for the third Thursday of every month.
VI. Update from the Secretary—Allison
Allison announced that she was/will working in with Benito on SPA Blog and an on-line newsletter. The blog address was given to members as: She also announced that SPA will need a first year to serve as Reporting Secretary to record meeting minutes during SPA meetings.
VII. Update from the Social Chair—Steve
Steve and Benito announced that there were currently five SPA social events planned for the Fall Semester including: a Welcome Student Event at Lillian’s downtown on Thursday September 13th at 6pm, Mellow Mushroom Mondays starting on September 17th at 7:30 pm where SPA members can come and relax on trivia nights, a Winter Social event scheduled for the first weekend in December, a joint picnic with the local professional FAPA chapter at Lack Wauburg in early-mid November, and a Beach clean-up weekend still in the planning stages. Steve also announced SPA needed a first year student to serve as Associate Social Chair.
VIII. Greeting and Announcement from the Department Head—Dr. Peng:
Dr. Peng introduced himself to the students and encouraged them to attend the monthly faculty meetings the first of which is scheduled for September 14th from 2-4pm. He stated his commitment to facilitating faculty-student interaction socially and academically and to support students in securing funds from university sources to attend conferences. He welcomed students to come by his office anytime.
IX. Other Announcements—T-Shirt Design/APA Conference
Benito announced that the Design Competition for the new SPA T-shirt deadline was September 14th by 5pm. The design must include “
X. SPA Goals/Member Ideas:
Benito stated the goal of SPA this year would be to increase student participation and representation as well as encourage cooperation with URP faculty, ACC/DCP, and the outside community. He opened up ideas for what SPA members not on the executive committee would like to see SPA do. Benito encouraged anyone with specific ideas to contact the appropriate representative on the executive committee or himself. Ideas included the following:
· Field trips to planning firms/planners/job shadowing
· Interdisciplinary Mixers
· Community Service Projects
· Increase communication to incoming students
XI. Website Update:
Benito updated SPA members on the progress of the SPA/URP website. A mock-up of the website was completed in the spring. The current goal is to have the updated website up and running by the end of the semester with a link to the SPA Blog.
XII. Current Open Positions on the Executive Board:
Benito summarized the list of open positions on the SPA Board and encouraged first-year students to express their interest to him or in reply to an email that would be sent out shortly regarding the subject. The open positions were:
· ACC Representative
· FAPA Representative
· Alternate GSC Representative
· Recording Secretary
· Webmaster
· Associate Social Chair
· Historian
XIII. Immediate Upcoming Events:
Benito announced that the ACC was attempting to create an organization “DCP Ambassadors” to increase interdisciplinary interaction within the college. A meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, September 5th in the
XIV. Proposed Agenda for Next SPA Meeting:
The next SPA meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, September 18th at
12:30 pm in Rm. 339 of the
XV. There being no other news to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Dear Students and Prospective Students:
On the behalf of the Student Planning Association, we would like to personally welcome you to the University of Florida, and our Urban and Regional Planning family. The University of Florida is nationally and internationally recognized for its excellence in academics and research, and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning is no exception. The program is staffed with distinguished professors who are recognized as experts in their field, and involve students of a diversity of backgrounds. Your experience with our program promises to be rewarding. As a student here in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, you are automatically a member with all privileges of the Student Planning Association (SPA), an organization that fosters professional, academic, and social interests of its members. It is through this organization where our students gets involved with the community, our professional colleagues in Florida and nationally, and we join together socially. As members of Student Planning Association, you are privy to the work your fellow colleagues are involved in, have the opportunity to listen in on prominent planners and issues relating to the Planning field, be informed of upcoming job and conference opportunities, and engage in socials our organization puts on for you. The planning field is a daunting field that lies ahead of you if you are considering a career in planning. Through organizations such as the Student Planning Association, we strive to help you foster a good social and professional network in which you can turn to. With that, welcome to the Student Planning Association, where Planner’s Do It….Comprehensively. Student Planning Association Executive Board