Friday, April 11, 2008

End of Semester reminders...

Good Friday morning to you. At this time you may have received emails regarding the banquet. I ask that you all please attend and support your fellow classmates at this endeavor. As reiterated by Dr. Larsen, there will be no cost to students, and only $10 for guests.

Also, I have not heard back from anyone about pictures or the top ten reasons to be a URP student (or Research Assistant - some RA's wrote one I hear). Please send them to me by Monday, so we have time to compile it together. It can be a picture, or links to them (Facebook, etc).

Lastly, we are doing an End of Semester get together on April 17th. Plan was to start at Tapas, say 7 PM and then work our way downtown for an evening of bar hopping. Just a final time in the semester as a group to kick back and enjoy a brew and company.

Have a good weekend.

Calendar Dates Postscripts:

PS: For those here next year, we are confirmed for orientation on August 29, 2008 @ Lake Wauberg. Just and FYI

PS #2: Remember to look out for FAPA Conference registration in the early summer. FAPA will be in Miami from September 10-13, 2008. Chad will be in coordination with you all about lodging and carpooling as we get into summer.

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